Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Settled In . . .

We are getting comfortable in what will be our new home for the next several days. Matthew's surgery was a success and his heart is strong. He was off the ventilator by the time we saw him. His surgeon said that things went well with no complications outside of a fair amount of scar tissue from his last surgery. Now for the recovery . . . . Matthew woke up ready to fight again!!! They are trying to keep him down with some good drugs. He wakes up and pulls on everything and it scares us. You can tell he hurts but he is so frustrated with everything that he continues to fight it.

We will try to post a picture later. He looks pretty good outside all the equipment, machines and lines!! Our little boy is finally pink and wow it is so nice to see oxygen levels in the 90's.

Our prayer requests for the next 24 hours are:
1. Matthew stays calm and doesn't hurt himself!!! Right now this is our biggest concern.
2. His kidney function
3. Proper drainage of fluid around his lungs.

Thanks for staying with us on our journey and for your prayers!!


Anonymous said...

We don't know each other but we have been linked to your story from Tadd and Jill blog. We just wanted to let you know that we are praying for Matthew!

My niece is also a heart baby and has had two surgery's so far. I have watched the good, bad and ugly of surgery. Any child going though this is so sad but I can't imagine going though it with an older child, who know and remembers what has happened to them!

Anyhow, just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you guys!

Janene said...

Praying for Matthew. So happy to hear the surgery went well. Thought about you all day!!

Jill said...

Hey! Just wanted to let you know we have been keeping up with the updates (thanks for taking time to do them :) and will continue to specifically pray for Matthew's needs. How is the new hospital rooms? Glad to hear surgery went smoothly. We love you guys! Let us know if you need anything or want visitors after these first few days pass.
-Tadd, Jill, Selah, & Finn

Anonymous said...

Good evening, my name is James Canfield and I attend Calvary Baptist Church with the Grays. My wife and I help in our Jr. Church and we take up offering to purchase toys and various items for children who have had surgery. We would like to make a basket for Matthew and deliver it to him at the hospital. We want to do this at your convenience. We will be touching base with the Grey's on Wednesday night. If you could let them know the best time for us to visit, that would great. Matthew is in our prayers; glad to hear that the surgery went well.

green said...

Matthew is in our prayers. We pray for calm and comfort. We also pray for peace and rest for both of you as you wait...wait on the Lord for healing and recovery. "Be still and know that I am God."
We love you, Bill and Jeanie G.