Monday, October 11, 2010

Dr. Appt. Today . . .

We are trying to get back to normal at home. We haven't made it yet. It seems like we are still recovering from the sleep deprivation and stress. Matthew is sleeping well and getting around better. He moves slowly to protect his owies. Our biggest challenge is getting him to take his medications. He was great at taking medicine before surgery but he got sick one night when taking his meds and it has made him hate them. He keeps telling us I'll get sick. Of course it doesn't help that he is a little stubborn ( I have no idea where he gets this). He takes 4 medications in the morning, 3 at lunch, 2 at supper and 2 at bedtime. Two of these medications are for the yeast infection so they will be done by the end of the week. His yeast infection looks so much better.

Our other challenge is getting Matthew to eat more. He is a picky eater and has become worse. He's on a low fat diet so that makes it harder. I went to the store yesterday and bought everything I could find that was low fat. We kept his diet pretty healthy before surgery but the boy loves cheese and milk. He likes the full fat stuff but seems to be adjusting to the skim milk. I would love any ideas for some low fat snacks. We started Carnation Instant Breakfast with his milk and low fat pudding and yogurt to help with adding calories and not fat.

We go to see Dr. Fortuna (his surgeon) today. We have to get blood work and a chest x-ray before the appointment. They are going to see if he has developed any effusions (fluid around the lungs). They will adjust his Lasix accordingly. He really fills a diaper after taking the Lasix. Thank God for Pampers, the only diaper that doesn't leak from the diuretics. I will update this afternoon after the appointment. Our appointment is at 1:50.

Thanks for all your prayers and support. We would have never made it without them!!!! I've had several emails requesting some pictures so I will post some later today. I apologize for the lack of updates at home. We felt a little overwhelmed with trying to get back into a routine.

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