Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ready to Move Forward...

Yesterday was a very long day, but as it drew to a close things were starting to look up. The rash had Matthew completely miserable for most of the day and to make things worse the surgeon planned to work on Matthew at 11:00 but couldn't make it to his room until 4:00. By the time 4:00 rolled around Matthew was miserable from his owies and the rash and was convinced that we were trying to starve him. As Matthew's room began to fill with people to help out he became very agitated and ready to fight. After giving him what the surgeon described as "enough drugs to put a lumberjack to sleep for 12 hours" Matthew was finally relaxed enough to let him go to work. He didn't actually fall asleep until they were done.

We took this picture immediately after they were finished. As you can see, the bottom part of Matthew's belly was completely raw and the rash was all over his chest scar. They took all of the bandages and tape off of his chest and set up an oxygen mask to blow directly on the rash to help it heal.

In the end, it was just enough to give Matthew a relaxing 3 hour nap. Thankfully, he woke up in a great mood and was ready to eat, play and laugh. Good times...

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