Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Waiting . . .

Matthew was really upset this morning and told everybody he wants to go home. They realized he wasn't handling things well so they gave him some medication to relax him and wow did that work. He was full of smiles after that. Here are some pictures to show his happy medicated mood.

I thought I was strong until we hit the hospital and wow this place brings back so many memories. It was hard to hand my little boy over and knowing what was about to happen. It was emotional but wow the peace of God which passeth all understanding has calmed all of our fears and now for the long wait.

Please pray for our surgeons' hands and all of the nurses. We told Matthew to stay strong and fight and he said okay. Thanks for all your prayers and support. Please leave us a message. We love hearing from all of you. It makes the day go quicker.

We haven't heard any updates yet so that means they are still prepping and getting all the lines in. It will take around 1 1/2 hours to cut through all the scar tissue and open the sternum. We will update as we hear.

1 comment:

Momof3 said...

We've been praying for him and we can't wait to hear all the great things God will do through this little boy.